Sunday, 9 September 2012

Preliminary Task - What I learnt in the lesson.

What I learnt:

In this lesson we learnt about the preliminary task that we will be doing until Feburary Half Term. The first task that we have, is to make a school magazine front cover with a photgraph of a student in uniform and information that school children would be interested in reading. Im interested and intrigued to be doing this task, because it will allow me to use my magazine editing/creating skills and it will prepare me well enough for when we start on the music magazine. The music magazine cover is the second task we will be doing after the school magazine, we will be designing the front cover, and a double page spread. This task sounds fun because I have the choice of what music genre i want to work with, how I can lay everything out to blend together and make it interesting enough for the music genre choice lovers to be intrigued on what the magazine would be about.

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