Sunday, 2 September 2012

Three Rersources I Found Interesting/Helpful and Why

The resoures I found very helpful on were :

* How to Create a Blog video - as I am new to Media Studies and Blogger this was very interesting to view as it showed how easy it is to create a blog and start blogging, which is a bit different to other forms of social networking I usually use.  I have enjoyed playing around on and seeing what I am able to do when I blog!!

* Annotating a Magazing Cover - I found this resource very useful in identifying different aspects of a magazine cover and what the layouts and texts mean. This resource explained the detail that is required which made it easier for me to annotate and present the layout properly. I also did Photography for 2 years in GCSE, and in that duration I had to design a magazine cover of my own and then annotate everything thing I did, which will benefit me in my fourth blog.

* Research into the Term Media Representation - Again, as I am new to Media Studies, this resource was invaluable in my understanding of media and target audiences and what the intended audience response would be.

1 comment:

  1. A clear first post. I'm glad you found these resources helpful.
